March 16, 2021 North Country Inn – Dunbar, WI
Meeting called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Brad Reabe – 14 people in attendance. President Brad Reabe opened the meeting by reading Secretary Patti Mullarky resignation letter.
Roll was taken, President Brad Reabe, Vice President Debbie Dashnier, Membership Chair Mary Lou Neumann, Officers Pat Dashnier, Jeff Thielen, Jim Schuh Present. Treasurer Dave Schultz, Mike Dashnier, Daryl Gardner Absent.
Motion was made to approve the Agenda by Jeff Thielen second Jim Schuh, Motion Carried.
February 16, 2021 Meeting Minutes were distributed for review, Motion was made to accept by Jeff Thielen, Second by Jim Schuh, Motion Carried
Treasurers Report was read by President Brad Reabe motion was made to accept the Treasurers Report as read by Debbie Dashnier, second by Darcie Powell motion carried.
Officer Reports
No Reports
Old Business
Trail Report/Trail Work/Equipment/Signs
Pat Dashnier reported summer drags are being worked on to prepare for the season. Some bridge work needs to be completed. The “Real North” magazine has some location errors and directions that are incorrect, President Brad Reabe will bring this up to the Marinette County Marketing Group at the next Alliance meeting for corrections.
AWSC Elections
President Brad Reabe confirmed that the AWSC Election Forms were completed and mailed with the Membership approved votes to Andy Malecki and Dave Newman.
Brat Fry Reschedule
No reschedule date has been determined at this time.
SNARS GPS Tracking
Pat Dashnier reported that we are still waiting for wiring harnesses from Swiderski to complete.
By-Laws Update
President Brad Reabe reported there was a Board Meeting to discuss changes to the revised By-Laws. The board is in the process of reviewing and will have another meeting to discuss recommended changes.
Snow Roller
Jim Schuh has done some work looking into some different options from other clubs. We will put a committee together to further review.
50/50 Raffle
The Membership determined that we should put all of our effort into the Main Raffle so no 50/50 will be pursued.
Groomer Tip Jar
President Brad Reabe reported he investigated AWSC Guidelines and they do not allow anything to Groomers or others above $100.00 in value without issuing a W-2. Businesses can provide meals or other support however the Club cannot. It was determined to defer to the Board Meeting to discuss Gas Gift Cards for the Groomers to help offset some of their travel expense.
New Business
County Alliance Update – Brad Reabe reported the below
Reported that the After Market 2-Up Seat Law will move from educational as it was in 2020 to enforcement in 2021.
Reported there is Legislation to increase the maximum weight for UTV from 2,000 lbs. dry weight to 3,000 lbs. dry weight. The positive is that with the additional weight of the vehicles potentially putting more wear on the trails they are considering increasing the ATV/UTV Funding by $100.00 per mile for both Summer and Winter. Discussed the 65” width remains the same.
WATVA Convention
Confirmed the Convention is still on for April 16 – 18 in Stevens Point, no information was available online regards to what social distancing protocols will be followed.
Spring Clean Up/Repair Day
Discussed scheduling a Work Day, Pat Dashnier stated he would rather have a small group to go out and do the repair work on the two bridge decks as that is the most urgent need. Due to scheduling everyone aligned to have Pat Dashnier let people know when the work is going to be completed and assemble a group for the work.
Yard Clean Up/Tank Move
The yard is in process of being cleaned up, scrap is at $300.00 per ton so we will be bringing all scrap in to complete the Cleanup. Discussed Propane and Diesel Tank relocations two options available East of the Shed on the property line or West of the shed, Jeff Thielen reported that the gas line would be a shorter run to move to the West end of the property.
Members Input
Jeff Thielen reported culverts and other washouts on the North End of the trail system around KC Creek.
Deb Dashnier brought up potential for Booyah at the Club Shed Memorial Day Weekend, discussed that this could conflict with Sportsmen’s Club activity that weekend as well as Graduation conflicts. This will be discussed further.
Opening of County O between Veterans Park and Mountain Road and County O between 3 Mile Road and Walton Road. Further discussion needed.
Jerry Gudowicz made a Motion to Adjourn at 6:40 second by Jeff Thielen Motion Carried
Next Meeting Date: April 20, 2021 Dun-Good Club Shed – Dunbar, WI 6:00 p.m.
Brad Reabe