Dun-Good Riders Trail Report 1/10/24 – Another forecast for decent snow and again it came up short. Fortunately, there is enough snow out of the previous two appearances (can’t call them storms) that we were able to get out and start working to establish a base. The snow we have received has been compacting into a base ranging from 0” to 2”, basically it is just filling holes and washboard left over from the fall. The good news is it is a great start. Unfortunately, it is not enough to open the trails. There are once again optimistic forecasts for tonight and Friday/Saturday. In the interest of preserving the work that has been done to begin establishing the base we are asking all riders ATV/UTV/Snowmobile to stay off the trails until we post the green light to go and tear them up. The stronger the base the longer we can ride into the spring. This request is consistent with the surrounding clubs in Northern Marinette County, Pemenee River Riders, Near North and Iron Snowshoe, all of us would appreciate your respecting this request. We will post an update as soon as conditions change. Thank you .