May 17, 2022 Club Shed – Dunbar, WI
- Meeting called to order at 6:05 p.m. by President Brad Reabe – 23 people in attendance.
- Roll was taken, President Brad Reabe, Vice President Debbie Dashnier, Treasurer Dave Schultz and Officers Jim Schuh, Jeff Thielen, Darryl Gardner, Dennis Plemel Present, absent, Secretary John Criel.
- Motion was made to approve the Agenda by Jeff Thielen, second by Jim Schuh motion carried.
- April 19, 2022 Meeting Minutes were distributed for review, Motion was made to accept as written by Darryl Gardner second by Dave Schultz motion carried.
- Treasurers Report was read by Diana Schultz, motion was made to accept the Treasurers Report as read by Darcey Powell second by Mary Lou Neuman motion carried.
- Officer Reports
- No Reports
Old Business
Trail Report/Trail Work/Equipment/Signs
- Working on list of intersection signs to align to revised Trail Map. Still waiting on window for tractor door, Swiderski changing out the tracks for the tires.
Summer Fund Raiser
- Discussed hours of post ride event to run 4:30 – 7:30 with the drawing to take place starting at 7:00. Recommended waiver being signed from riders.
By Laws Update
- Second month review of change related to addition of one at large officer to bring the total to 5. Jim Schuh made motion to approve by law change, second by Debbie Dashnier motion carried. With this approval a fifth Officer will be voted in during the June Meeting.
Trail Work Day
- Workday summarized very good turnout, discussed adding a second weekend to complete anything that is not completed in the first weekend. Food was a bit pricey review different food alternative for next workday.
New Business
County Alliance Update
- Map Ads discussed paperwork requested to send out to the advertisers.
Summer Groomers
- Pat Dashnier stated we are set right now, Current traffic levels we are grooming once per week with extra attention between the intersections on the weekend. Will continue to evaluate through summer.
- No Correspondence
Members Input
- Jim and Sara Schuh donated back gas cards from the work day.
- Thermal Chaos offered to run the Food Truck at the Pembine Picnic and donate to revenue to the club may need some additional help, pending approval from the event coordinator in Pembine.
- Discussed UTV placement at businesses, aligned on a plan to maximize ticket sales.
Jim Schuh made a motion to adjourn at 7:00 second by Darryl Gardner motion carried
Brad Reabe – President