September 21, 2021 Club Shed – Dunbar, WI
- Meeting called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Brad Reabe – 15 people in attendance.
- Roll was taken, President Brad Reabe, Vice President Debbie Dashnier, Treasurer Dave Schultz, Membership Chair Mary Lou Neumann, Officers Pat Dashnier, Mike Dashnier, Jeff Thielen, Daryl Gardner Jim Schuh Present.
- Motion was made to approve the Agenda by Jeff Thielen, second by Jim Schuh motion carried.
- August 17, 2021 Meeting Minutes were distributed for review, Motion was made to accept as written by Diana Schultz second by Debbie Dashnier motion carried.
- Treasurers Report was read by Diana Schultz, motion was made to accept the Treasurers Report as read by Jim Schuh second by Cheri Reabe motion carried.
- Officer Reports
- No Reports
- AWSC Director – Jeff Schwaller AWSC Regional Director reported on Legislative Topics 40 foot rule, new decibel testing reducing the RPM for measurement and requirement of reducing high beam headlights when within 500 feet of any approaching vehicle. Discussed International Snowmobile Hall of Fame Scholarship Program and provided guidance at what level they are asking for financial support. Final comments were around AWSC and the upcoming Workshop and the direction will be improving membership and getting some of the younger people involved.
Old Business
Trail Report/Trail Work/Equipment/Signs
- New skid steer is in the US just no guarantee on when we can receive it, with the need to bring down the corners and have a skid steer the decision was made to lease a skid steer until the new one is in by Jeff Thielen second by Jim Schuh motion carried.
County O
- Paperwork all completed and will be sent to the County on 9/22/21.
Team Winnebagoland – Bobs Country Bar
- Great support with $4,900 generated. $2,400 from raffle ticket sales, $1,000 donation Team Winnebagoland and WORHEAD, $1,000 from Bruce Discher and $500 from Bob White and Bob’s Country Bar.
Open House
- All food, beverage set to go pricing for everything was finalized including raffles. Clothing is being organized. Discussion on Old Design and discounting to help move it out. Agreed to 40% discount on all old design clothing.
2022 Open House
- The Polaris General is on order need to align on the remaining prizes to print tickets.
New Business
County Alliance Update
- Discussed map delays and the need to get the GPS units installed by 11/1/21, also the State is going to pay for the SNARS units we need to check into reimbursement. One final note the state is out verifying equipment.
Team Winnebagoland – November 6
- Discussed repeating hosting Team Winnebagoland at the Club Shed on November 6, the club would sponsor all food and beverage and ask for donations in 202 the event generated $2,500.00 after expenses. Motion was made by Pat Dashner second by Jim Schuh to host them again and the motion carried.
- No Correspondence
Members Input
- No members input
Jim Schuh made a motion to adjourn at 7: 20 second by Darryl Gardner motion carried
Brad Reabe