Dun-Good Riders Trail Update 5/3/24 – Plenty of water this week so we have been dealing with washouts and culvert replacement. With that in mind we will be grooming this weekend please stay alert and slow down, there may be a groomer around the corner. Logging detour is still in place on Corridor 5 south of Dunbar. There is a new trail open off Shrine Rd. coming from South on Shrine Rd. turn right on Forest Road 606 and follow the signs, from the North turn left on Forest Rd. 610 and follow signs. Now for the unpleasant topic PLEASE STAY ON THE TRAIL. I know this message is for the 5% that likely don’t even see this page, ride the trails when they are closed and tear up the Park and Ride with donuts. One of our private landowners that controls access between Goodman and Dunbar had their no ATV signs run over and four private property signs torn down off Forest Rd. 602, to put things in perspective if we lose this landowner, it will be a 50-mile ride to go from Dunbar to Goodman. We need to police each other but more importantly respect the trails regardless of county land or private land stay on the trails or we will lose them.