April 19th at trails end saloon
· Meeting called to order at 6:08 P.M. by president Brad Reabe – 16 people in attendance.· Roll was taken, President Brad Reabe, Vice president Debb Dashnier, Treasurer Dave Schultz (Diane), Secretary John Criel, Officers Pat Dashnier, Daryl Gardner, Jim Schuh.
· Motion was made to approve the agenda by Dennis Plemel, Second by Mary Lou Neumann.
· April 19th minutes were distributed for review, motion was made to accept as written by Jim Schuh, second by Daryl Gardner motion carried.
· Treasurers report was read by Dave Schultz, motion was made to accept the treasurers report as read by Daryl Gardner second by Jim Schuh motion carried.
Old Business
Trail report/trail work/equipment/signs
· Pat sent out tractors, but the snow slowed things down, also a lot of trees and branches on the trails.
· Trail clean is set for the weekend April 23rd, there will be a dinner for all the workers that attended the cleanup at Richards in the holly room. A 25-dollar gift card will be given out to the workers. Motion was made for the gas cards, majority voted yes.
Summer fund raiser/
· Cullen reports that they did raise some money for the event. July16th 11 to 3 is the ride. Band will play from 7 to 10. Cullen asked for a donation for the band. Motion was made by Mary Lou Neumann, Second by Jim Shelton.
County alliance/· Map adds to come out in July.
New business
· Director’s position, Dennis Plemel is on board, Majority nominated him, no disapprovals.
· Carol Welsh benefit- Set for April 30th, motion was made by Debb Dashnier to donate $500.00. Second by Jim Schuh.
Bylaws update/· To add a fifth director, will be brought up at Mays meeting motion made by Daryl Gardner, second by Gary Powell.
Correspondence/· Dave and Diane Schultz went to a safety program in Oshkosh that team Winnebago put on. They report that it was very good program and learned a lot of interesting facts.
· Motion to adjourn. Jim Shelton, second by Jim Schuh,
· Next meeting to be held at Club shed on May 17th
John Criel – Secretary